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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy”) sets out the procedure for processing and protection of personal data of the Users which DoubleGIS Limited Liability Company, OGRN 1045401929847, registered address: 7, Karl Marx Square, 630048 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as "the Administration”), may obtain during their use of any of the Administration Services (hereinafter referred to as “2GIS Services”).

Before using 2GIS Services, please read the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1. General Provisions

1.1. By using 2GIS Services, you agree that:

а) You have read the terms of this Privacy Policy prior to beginning of use of 2GIS Services.

b) Use of 2GIS Services in any form means that you accept all terms of this Privacy Policy, without any exceptions or restrictions on your part.

c) If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, you should immediately cease any use of 2GIS Services.

d) The Privacy Policy (or any of its parts) may be amended by the Administration without a special notice and without payment of any compensation with this regard. A new version of the Privacy Policy shall enter into force upon posting thereof on the Administration Website located at 2gis.ru unless otherwise provided for in the new version of the Privacy Policy.

1.2. By accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy, the User agrees to processing of the User information by the Administration for the purposes set forth herein, and to provision of User information to third parties in cases listed herein.

1.3. As a general rule, the Administration does not check the reliability of personal data provided by Users. However, in the events listed in individual 2GIS Services use agreements, the User shall be obliged to provide evidence of reliability of the provided personal data.

2. Scope of Users’ Information Obtained and Processed by Administration

2.1. This Policy shall cover the following types of personal data:

2.1.1. Personal data provided by the Users about themselves on their own during registration, including personal data of the User provided to the Administration through websites or services of third parties, or personal data submitted by the Users during use of 2GIS Services. Personal data thus obtained may include, in particular, name, surname, image, phone number and/or e-mail address of the User. Mandatory information to be submitted for provision of 2GIS Services or their individual features is particularly marked. Other information shall be provided by the User at his discretion.

2.1.2. Data automatically submitted to 2GIS Services during their use via software installed at the User device, private device network number (IP address, MAC address), electronic serial number (IMEI, MEID), cookies, information about browser, operating system, access time, search queries, data on location and movement of the User device.

2.1.3. Data additionally submitted by the Users following the Administration requests related to the Administration fulfilment of obligations to the Users with regard to use of 2GIS Services.

2.1.4. Data, including but not limited to photos, posted by users of Foursquare Labs, Inc. services at https://foursquare.com and brought to the Users attention jointly with 2GIS Products using API service by Foursquare Labs, Inc.

2.1.5. Other User information collection and/or processing of which is stipulated by individual 2GIS Services use agreements and/or rules of individual 2GIS Services provision.

3. Purposes of Collection and Processing of User Information

3.1. The Administration shall collect and process only such information about the Users (including their personal data) as required to fulfil the Administration obligations to provide 2GIS Services.

3.2. The Administration may use personal data of the Users for the following purposes:

3.2.1. Identification of a party of agreements between the User and the Administration.

3.2.2. Provision 2GIS Services to Users and further improvement of 2GIS Services, development of new services.

3.2.3. Responding to the Users requests to the support service, informing the Users about capabilities of 2GIS Services, sending requests concerning use of 2GIS Services.

3.2.4. Fulfilment of marketing tasks, conducting statistical or other research based on anonymised data.

3.3. The User hereby agrees to provision of his personal data to affiliated parties, partners of the Administration, Foursquare Labs, Inc. for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 3.2 hereof.

3.4. When it is required to use the User personal data for a purpose not set forth herein, the Administration shall ask the User consent.

4. User Information Processing

4.1. Personal data about the Users shall be stored according to the applicable legislation.

4.2. Personal data about the Users shall not be provided to any third parties except for the following cases:

4.2.1. The User has granted his consent to such provision.

4.2.2. The provision is required to ensure functioning of 2GIS Services and/or individual features of 2GIS Services, implementation of partner of other 2GIS Services programmes.

4.2.3. Provision is prescribed by the applicable legislation.

4.2.4. Provision is conducted to protect rights and legal interests of the Administration and/or third parties in the events when the User violates terms of user agreements concerning individual 2GIS Services.

4.2.5. If the Administration takes part in a merge, acquisition or any other form of sale of all of its assets or a part thereof. In such event, all obligations concerning observance of this Policy shall be transferred to the purchaser of the Administration’s assets.

4.3. When using flamp.ru service, the User agrees that certain information he submits to flamp.ru may be accessible to other Users both immediately on the websites located in the domain of flamp.ru and its subdomains and via translation using various technical means with a reference to the original source (e-mails, RSS feed etc.), in particular, information about the name and surname of the User stated in his Dashboard, as well as User-provided link to his personal pages in social media, are accessible to all the other Users of flamp.ru service.

5. Rights of Users

5.1. The Users shall have the right to:

5.1.1. Independently change or update their information in their Dashboards on the Administration Website.

5.1.2. Delete their information provided in their Dashboards on the Administration Website. However deleting the profile may render some 2GIS Services unusable.

5.1.3. Request and obtain from the Administration information concerning processing of their personal data.

6. User Information Protection Measures

6.1. The Administration shall make all necessary and sufficient organisational and technical measures to protect the User personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, deleting, change, blocking, distribution of personal data and from other unlawful actions with it. Such measures shall involve, in particular, internal checks of the processes of collection, storage and processing of data and safety measures, including corresponding encrypting and measures to ensure data physical safety to prevent unauthorized access to the systems containing personal data.

6.2. While processing the Users personal data, the Administration shall be guided by the Federal Law On Personal Data No. 152-FZ dated 27 July 2006.

7. Final Provisions

7.1. This Policy, relations between the User and the Administration arising in relation to applying of this Policy, issues out of the scope of this Policy shall be governed by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The Privacy Policy of Foursquare Labs, Inc. is available at the following address: https://foursquare.com/legal/privacy.

7.3. The Users shall have the right to contact the Administration with requests, propositions or questions concerning this Policy through 2GIS User Support Service (http://help.2gis.ru/en/feedback/), or at the address: 7, Karl Marx Square, 630048 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. Flamp.ru users may also send requests, proposals or questions at the address: ask@flamp.ru.

7.4. The current version of this Privacy Policy is available on the Administration Website at  http://old-law.2gis.ru/en/privacy/.

Version as of July 29, 2014

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